The Lodge of Fellowship #702, recognized by the Grand Lodge of Ontario, stands one among the lodges in York District of Ontario. It does not just strive to make any man to be a better man but instead nurture them to be the best men they can ever be through the ancient principles of Freemasonry known as Brotherly Love, Charity, and Truth. 

Our approach is focused on understanding your needs and providing practical solutions. From personalized consultations to hands-on assistance.

The Works

Masonic Meetings

Participate in enriching Masonic Meetings to grow in brotherhood and moral excellence.


Meetings are for members only but guest/s can join the members for some food and beverages and fellowship after the meeting


Community Engagement

Joint Christmas Party of The Lodge of Fellowship #702 and Richmond Lodge #23


Personal Development Workshops

Enhance personal skills through workshops focused on leadership, communication, and ethics.

Most Activities/Seminars are for Members only


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that encourages personal growth, ethical conduct, and community service through its unique rituals and traditions.

How can I become a member?

To become a member, *varies from lodges to lodges*

A. You must express interest

B. Meet our eligibility criteria, ( Believe in the Existence of Supreme  Being (GOD), Be 18 years old and above of age, Be of Good Character and reputation and resided in ontario for more than 12-month with residence address not more than 100km from the lodge.)

C. Undergo an application process, including an interview with current members.

D. MUST be able to support your family while maintaining your yearly dues.


These things does not guarantee your membership as the lodge needs to make sure that members are comfortable about you and totally fit to be received in the lodge.

What activities are available at the Lodge?

The Lodge offers various activities, including Masonic meetings, community service projects, and personal development workshops, all aimed at enhancing personal growth and community spirit.

“Joining the Lodge has been a transformative experience, enhancing my personal growth and connecting me with like-minded individuals who strive for greatness.”

[John Doe]