Message from the East

September was also our election night, and I am happy to report that it went smoothly, with proper candidates elected and assigned to all positions.  
As this brings us close to our 2023-24 masonic year, as W.M. I would like to thank all the officers and the brethren for their support and attendance, during what was a very busy and successful year. We have many master masons in lodge today who were mere applicants just 12 months ago thanks
to you. Your work, dedication and fellowship has ensured success to our Lodge for many years to come.
As for the new slate of officers elected and appointed to assume the chairs at our Installation on October 22nd, let me congratulate you, and thank you for volunteering to support your Lodge with dedication and honor for the next 12 months. Your full commitment is required as we expect 2024-25 to be just as busy and exciting as the previous year. Indeed, we already have three applicants waiting to be initiated. I am especially grateful to the "veterans" of the Lodge for their continued support by remaining in some key positions.
In place of an Emergent meeting on October 8th, we will have a Meeting of General Purposes, to review the lodge committees' work this past year, update memberships and discuss future objectives. It will be a pot-luck affair with food and drink shared as soon as you arrive. So come early so that our meeting can start at 7:30 pm.
Finally, I strongly encourage all members to attend the installation on the 22nd. We will have plenty of food, drink and fellowship. R.W.Bro. Ross Guerrero will be the Installing Master, so we know the ceremony will be a joy to attend. If you need help with transportation, please call me or another
officer to make travel arrangements.

God willing, let's begin our new Masonic year together!

Fraternally yours,

W.Bro. Sandor Cselenyi

History of Freemasonry

The history of Freemasonry encompasses the origins, evolution and defining events of the fraternal organisation known as Freemasonry. It covers three phases. Firstly, the emergence of organised lodges of operative masons during the Middle Ages, then the admission of lay members as "accepted" (a term reflecting the ceremonial "acception" process that made non-stone masons members of an operative lodge) or "speculative" masons, and finally the evolution of purely speculative lodges, and the emergence of Grand Lodges to govern them. The watershed in this process is generally taken to be the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717. The two difficulties facing historians are the paucity of written material, even down to the 19th century, and the misinformation generated by masons and non-masons alike from the earliest years.

Freemasonry's long history includes its early development from organised bodies of operative stonemasons to the modern system of speculative lodges organised around regional or national "Grand Lodges"

How Lodge of Fellowship Started

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About us

The Lodge of Fellowship 702, based in Richmond hill, Ontario, is a Masonic Lodge dedicated to guiding good men on their path to becoming better men. We achieve this through our commitment to the timeless principles of Freemasonry, focusing on moral development, brotherhood, and community service. Our Lodge offers a welcoming environment for members to engage in Masonic rituals, participate in meaningful discussions, and contribute to charitable initiatives. Our diverse programs and activities ensure that every member has the opportunity to grow and make a positive impact on society.